Terms and conditions
General provisions
The https://totheyacht.com website is owned by the company SMART LIFT d.o.o., Vukovarska ulica 8B, 23000 Zadar. Use of the services and content of the website is governed by these Terms of Use.
The Terms of Use prescribe the terms and conditions for end users and apply to the use of the https://totheyacht.com website. By using the website, end users express that they agree with the General Terms and Conditions of Business and Use and agree to use the website in accordance with them.
All materials on the https://totheyacht.com website are the intellectual property of SMART LIFT d.o.o. and may only be used with the express permission of the copyright holder and the trademark and / or design right holder.
The user can send his inquiries and comments in writing, by mail or e-mail, and SMART LIFT d.o.o. will send a written answer by mail or e-mail within the legal deadline.
Basic terms
In terms of these terms of sale, the buyer is a natural or legal person who orders at least one product through the website https://totheyacht.com , fills in the required information and pays for the ordered product.
If the data on the legal entity are entered in the data on the buyer, then the buyer is considered a legal entity, and the natural person whose data are entered is considered the authorized person of the buyer.
Personal data and business ability
For a valid product order, the person filling the order must be over 18 years of age (legal capacity). The buyer is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data entered during registration.
Protection of personal data
Personal data is considered to be your identification data: name and surname, e-mail address, home address and telephone number, or data that are not otherwise publicly available, and for which the SMART LIFT d.o.o. learns during your use of the Internet store.
SMART LIFT d.o.o. undertakes to use your personal data only for identification purposes when using the Internet store, in order to enable you to use all the options they provide, and will keep them secret, ie will not distribute or publish them, give it to third parties for use or otherwise make it available to any third party without your prior consent.
Statement on the protection and collection of personal data and their use
SMART LIFT d.o.o. undertakes to protect the personal data of customers, by collecting only the necessary, basic information about customers / users that are necessary to meet our obligations; informs customers about how to use the collected data, regularly gives customers a choice about the use of their data, including the ability to decide whether or not to have their name removed from the lists used for marketing campaigns. All user data is strictly kept and is only available to employees who need this data to do the job. All employees SMART LIFT d.o.o. and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.
Electronic communication
By visiting the pages of our Internet store, you communicate electronically. You hereby accept that all agreements, notices, communications and other content provided to you electronically meet the legal framework as if they had been realized in writing.
SMART LIFT d.o.o. undertakes to clearly, visibly and legibly display the amount of the retail price in accordance with Article 7 of the Consumer Protection Act (NN 41/14).
SMART LIFT d.o.o. will periodically, in accordance with its decision, put certain products on sale at a price lower than the price of these products in regular sales, and also undertakes to clearly visibly and legibly mark and state the duration of the sale.
After the expiration of the promotional sale, the company SMART LIFT d.o.o. will not receive orders under the conditions relating to the promotional sale for which the expiration date has expired.
Product availability
Due to the large number of orders placed at https://totheyacht.com at the same time, product availability information may not be the same as stock.
If the ordered product is not available in the warehouse, SMART LIFT d.o.o. will inform the customer that the product is not currently available, the period within which the product is available and also offer the possibility to purchase an alternative product from the https://totheyacht.com that is available for delivery and which is closest in its characteristics to the product that cannot be delivered.
Order and moment of concluding the contract
Products are ordered by selecting, using the menu and filling out the electronic form. The customer can order and purchase the product as a registered or unregistered user. The product is considered ordered when the customer goes through the entire ordering process.
Payment for ordered products can be made in the following ways:
By card payment
General payment slip / Virman / e-banking
At the moment when the order is received, the SMART LIFT d.o.o. will inform the customer electronically in the form of an e-mail that the order has been received or that the product has been successfully ordered.
If you do not receive the notification from the previous paragraph, it is recommended to check:
Is the message in the Junk / Spam folder
Is the mailbox full
Whether the items are in the basket, and if not, it is necessary to repeat the ordering process
After the shipment is picked up by the delivery, the buyer will be notified by e-mail that the shipment has been sent.
In the case of payment by e-banking and general payment, the contract is considered concluded at the time when the SMART LIFT d.o.o. receives confirmation that the amount of the order has been paid.
If the product is ordered, and e-banking or general payment is chosen as the method of payment, SMART LIFT d.o.o. undertakes to reserve the product in the warehouse for 3 working days, not including Saturday. After the expiration of 3 working days from the receipt of the order, the SMART LIFT d.o.o. does not guarantee the availability of the product.
The price of postage is not included in the price of the product.
If the payment method is e-banking or general payment slip, and the SMART LIFT d.o.o. does not have the ordered product due to lack of goods in stock, the customer will be notified within a reasonable time and the SMART LIFT d.o.o. in agreement with the buyer to return the paid funds.
In the case of the above payment, the buyer is responsible and bears the risk for the accuracy and truthfulness of the submitted data, given that the SMART LIFT d.o.o. will make a refund in accordance with the submitted data.
Online payment security statement
When paying on our web store, use CorvusPay – an advanced system for secure acceptance of payment cards via the Internet.
The CorvusPay system ensures the complete confidentiality of your card and personal data from the moment you enter it in the CorvusPay payment form. Payment information is forwarded encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your card. Our store never comes into contact with complete information about your payment card. Also, the data is inaccessible even to CorvusPay system employees. The isolated core independently transmits and manages sensitive data, keeping it completely secure.
The form for entering payment data is provided with the SSL transport code of the highest reliability. All stored data is additionally protected by encryption, using a cryptographic device certified according to the FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standard. CorvusPay meets all requirements related to the security of online payments prescribed by leading card brands, ie operates in accordance with the standard – PCI DSS Level 1 – the highest security standard of the payment card industry. When paying with cards included in the 3-D Secure program, your bank, in addition to the validity of the card itself, additionally confirms your identity using a token or password.
Corvus Pay considers all collected information secret and treats it accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which it is intended. Your sensitive data is completely secure, and its privacy is guaranteed by state-of-the-art security mechanisms. Only data necessary to perform the work in accordance with the prescribed demanding procedures for online payment are collected.
The security controls and operating procedures applied to our infrastructure ensure the current reliability of the CorvusPay system. In addition, by maintaining strict access control, regular security monitoring and in-depth checks to prevent network vulnerabilities, and the planned implementation of information security provisions, they permanently maintain and improve the level of system security by protecting your card data.
Products can be ordered for delivery in the Republic of Croatia, according to the conditions that apply to each delivery area.
SMART LIFT d.o.o. undertakes to deliver the ordered product within 15 days from the date of conclusion of the contract.
Delivery is performed in accordance with the conditions of use of the delivery service, and is considered completed at the time of delivery of the product to the delivery service.
If the product sent to the customer or recipient is returned to the SMART LIFT d.o.o. because the delivery service failed to make the delivery, the customer will be notified by e-mail and will be offered the opportunity to resend.
Unilateral termination of the contract
You can terminate the contract unilaterally within 14 days without giving a reason.
In order to be able to terminate this Agreement unilaterally, you must notify us of your decision to terminate the agreement unilaterally before the deadline by an unequivocal statement sent by e-mail to Vukovarska ulica 8B, 23000 Zadar, stating your name. and last name, address, telephone, fax or e-mail address, and you can also use the proposed example of a form for unilateral termination of the contract.
Example of a form for unilateral termination of a contract
Name, surname and address of the consumer ____________________
To: SMART LIFT d.o.o., Vukovarska ulica 8B, 23000 Zadar, +385 95/507-7041, smartlifteu1@gmail.com
I _____________________ hereby declare that I unilaterally terminate the Contract for the sale of the following goods___________________, ordered / received on ________________________
consumer signature (only if this form is completed on paper)
Confirmation of receipt of the statement or form for unilateral termination of the contract will be sent to you, without delay, by e-mail.
The deadline for unilateral termination is 14 days from the day when the goods that are the subject of the contract were handed over to you or to a third person designated by you, who is not a carrier.
If you unilaterally terminate this Agreement, we will refund the money we received from you, including delivery costs, without delay, and no later than 14 days from the date we received your decision to unilaterally terminate the contract, unless you have chosen another type of delivery which is not the cheapest standard delivery we have offered,
The refund will be made in the same way as you made the payment. In the event that you agree otherwise to a refund, you will not incur any costs in relation to the refund.
We can refund only after the goods are returned to us or after you provide us with proof that you have sent the goods back to us.
It is considered that you have fulfilled your obligation on time if you send or hand over the goods to us, ie to the person we are authorized to receive the goods, before the expiration of the above-mentioned deadline.
You must bear the direct cost of returning the goods yourself.
You are responsible for any impairment of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods, other than that which was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.
The consumer is not entitled to unilateral termination of the contract if:
subject of the contract sealed goods which due to health or hygiene reasons are not suitable for return, if they were opened after delivery
the subject of the contract is perishable goods or goods which are rapidly expiring
Material defects of the product and complaints
If the buyer notices material defects of the delivered product provided by Article 401 of the Civil Obligations Act and for which the Seller is responsible according to Article 400 of the Civil Obligations Act, the buyer may at his option according to Article 410 of the same law:
1) require the seller to eliminate the defect,
2) require the seller to hand over another thing to him without defect,
3) declare that it terminates the contract (according to Article 412 of the Civil Obligations Act – if it has previously given the seller a subsequent appropriate deadline for fulfilling the contract. The buyer may terminate the contract without leaving a subsequent deadline if the seller or if it is clear from the circumstances of the particular case that the seller will not be able to fulfill the contract even at a later date, as well as in the case when the buyer cannot achieve the purpose for which he concluded the contract due to the seller’s delay).
If the seller does not fulfill the contract within a later period, it is terminated by law, but the buyer can maintain it if he declares to the seller without delay that he keeps the contract in force.
The same applies in the case of performance with a lack of obligation in which performance within a certain period is an essential component of the contract.
The buyer loses the right to terminate the contract due to lack of the thing when it is impossible for him to return the thing or return it in the condition in which he received it.
However, the buyer may terminate the contract due to a defect of the thing if the thing is completely or partially failed or damaged due to a defect that justifies the termination of the contract, or due to an event that does not originate from him or a person for whom he is responsible.
The same applies if the item is completely or partially damaged or damaged in fulfillment of the customer’s obligation to inspect the item, or if the customer spent or changed a part of the item during its regular use before the defect was discovered and if the damage or change is meaningless.
The buyer who, due to the impossibility to return the thing or to return it in the condition in which he received it, lost the right to terminate the contract, retains the other rights given to him by law due to the existence of a defect.
After the buyer sends a written notice to the seller to the e-mail address smartlifteu1@gmail.com and if it is determined that the complaint is justified SMART LIFT d.o.o. will remove the defect in accordance with the agreement with the buyer.
The return to the seller of the product with the observed defect is realized by the buyer at the expense of the seller.
All goods we sell are properly stored in the original packaging.
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